Acupuncture & Massage Penrith
Tel 07890 197 759
Jules Burrell
Tel 07890 197 759
Free phone consultation
Acupressure Massage
I provide a form of massage called acupressure massage at my clinic, which combines massage with acupressure point stimulation and muscle stretching techniques, it's ideal for overworked stiff and stressed muscles and muscularskeletal complaints.
The techniques combine muscle stretching with deep tissue work to relax tight muscles, and I might also use cupping therapy to further assist with muscle relaxation. The amount of pressure I use varies greatly depending upon the condition being treated and I will always be guided by you and your feedback during the massage.
Massage can be beneficial if you suffer from regular back pain, shoulder and neck pain and stiffness, tight hamstrings and most muscle pain or tension.
I am always happy to discuss your particular needs, so you get the most from your massage.